Finance and Budget Committee
FY25 Meeting Schedule
July 9, 2024
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
Agenda & Minutes
August 6, 2024
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
Agenda & Minutes
September 3, 2024
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
Agenda & Minutes
October 1, 2024
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
Agenda & Minutes
October 10, 2024
Joint Meeting with the CIP & Citizens' Budget Advisory Committees
6:00 p.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (school board chamber)
Meeting Minutes
November 7, 2024
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
Agenda & Minutes
December 3, 2024
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
Agenda & Minutes
January 7, 2025 January 21, 2025 meeting canceled
10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
February 4, 2025
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
View the Meeting Agenda
March 4, 2025
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
April 1, 2025
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
May 6, 2025
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
June 3, 2025
10:00 a.m.
31 Stafford Avenue (executive session room)
About the Committee
In 2013, the school board established a Finance and Budget Committee via Stafford Schools Policy 1111. It is a three-member committee made up solely of school board members. The one-year membership terms are aligned to the fiscal year calendar, which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30.
The meetings are announced at least three working days before the meeting. Each meeting's agenda will be published on this webpage and on the school division's public events calendar at least one day prior to the meeting. The minutes from that meeting will then be placed on the next meeting's agenda for approval (by vote). Once the minutes have been approved, they will be uploaded to this webpage for public access. To view meeting materials from prior years, contact the school board clerk at or 540.658.6630.
Committee Bylaws
Committee Bylaws
The committee shall represent the Stafford County School Board ("School Board") in the development and implementation of a transparent budgeting process that will not only keep the School Board informed of major budget issues but will also work year-round with the Stafford County Board of Supervisors ("BOS") as approved by the School Board prior to the annual budget delivery in April of each year.
Critical Tasks
- Develop budgeting briefings and templates that are easily understood by the BOS, the School Board, and the community, highlighting system-wide issues. These briefings and templates will facilitate synchronization and transparency between the BOS and the School Board during the annual budgeting process;
- Seek out, investigate, research, and report out to the School Board/BOS-suggested BOS, School Board, or constituent innovative budgeting processes or "good ideas" as a way to conserve fiscal resources and assist the School Board and BOS in making sound budgeting decisions; and
- Consider other financial matters as directed by the School Board. Upon completion, the committee will brief the School Board on the results.
- The committee will be composed of three School Board members selected by a majority vote of the School Board;
- The committee shall have one chair and one vice-chair; and
- All members of the School Board are eligible for the committee; however, the School board chairperson may not serve as chair of this committee.
Committee Rules
- Committee members will serve a term of 12 months, not to exceed 24 consecutive months or two consecutive terms, becoming eligible to serve again after one years' absence from the committee. Term extensions will be approved by a majority vote of the School Board;
- The committee will meet at least monthly, and more often as needed during the budget-building process;
- The committee membership terms will run from July 1 through June 30 of each year to mirror the school division's fiscal year. Member selection will occur in the first meeting in June of each year;
- Committee meeting agendas will be developed by the committee chair after input from the other members of the committee and School Board. The committee chair will strive to have agendas published three business days in advance of the meeting. Minutes will be taken at each meeting;
- Committee meetings are presided over by the committee chair. Observers of the meeting will not engage in the discussion unless invited to do so by the chair;
- The committee chair will report meeting highlights at the first School Board meeting following the committee meeting. Minutes will be posted in BoardDocs once final;
- Committee members who anticipate being absent for an important meeting may appoint a temporary substitute from the School Board to serve in his/her stead during the meeting. Substitutes shall have the same speaking rights as the appointed member, but shall only vote in the latter's absence;
- A quorum shall be considered attained when two members of the committee are present;
- Committee decisions, with the exception of elections which are held in conformity with the provisions above, shall be taken either by show of hands or by roll-call. Robert's Rules of Order will be used to govern the meeting;
- Committee meetings shall be public;
- Decisions shall be taken by a majority of the votes cast. If the votes are equally divided, the motion under consideration shall fail.