Joint Schools Working Committee
2024 Meeting Schedule
June 27, 2024 CANCELED
5:30 p.m.
37 Stafford Avenue (room 14)
August 21, 2024
5:00 p.m.
37 Stafford Avenue (room 14)
About the Committee
The school board established a Joint Schools Working Committee via Stafford Schools Policy 1111 to foster collaboration with their colleagues on the Stafford County Board of Supervisors. It is a six-member committee made up solely of members from these two publicly-elected governing bodies. Each membership term is one calendar year.
The meetings of the Governance Committee are announced at least three working days before the meeting. The meeting location rotates between the School Board Office and the County Government Complex. Each meeting's agenda will be published on this webpage and on the school division's public events calendar at least one day prior to the meeting. The minutes from that meeting will then be placed on the next meeting's agenda for approval (by vote). Once the minutes have been approved, they will be uploaded to this webpage for public access. To view meeting materials from prior years, contact the school board clerk at or 540.658.6630.
Committee Charter
Committee Charter
The Joint Schools Working Committee ("the Committee") shall carry out the responsibility of the boards to meet periodically to discuss the school system and its partnership with the County in the area of public education. The Committee is designed to facilitate dialogue and the sharing of information in a manner that permits a smaller group of elected officials to discuss matters of mutual concern and share information. The ability to have full board meetings with all 14 elected officials in attendance has proven to be difficult and this committee was established to enhance and improve communication.
The Committee is a standing committee and will meet as a joint committee at rotating venues. Members of the Committee are appointed by their respective boards at a duly held meeting utilizing the procedures for nomination and approval set forth in each board's bylaws and rules of practice. The Committee shall consist of the chairpersons and/or vice-chairpersons of both the school board and the board of supervisors. The highest-ranking individual (chair or vice-chair) from each board will serve as committee co-chair. In addition, each board will appoint additional members for service on the Committee so that each board has a total of three members on the Committee.
The Committee members will report to their respective boards the deliberations and discussions occurring at the meetings. In compliance with Robert's Rules of Order, meetings will be open to the public, and agendas and meeting minutes will be prepared for each meeting and published in accordance with established procedures. The Committee will meet as often as it determines appropriate, but at a minimum it will meet quarterly.
New business items should be provided by Committee members to their respective co-chair no later than one week prior to the scheduled meeting. All other requests will need to be made as a request to add items and must be voted on by the Committee before the approval of the agenda.
The Committee may request of the county administrator or school superintendent to have executive staff or others attend Committee meetings and provide pertinent information when needed. These requests should be made at least one week before the scheduled meeting.
A majority of the members of the Committee will constitute a quorum with a majority of votes of those Committee members present at a meeting in which a quorum has been established being sufficient to adopt a recommendation.
This charter and any amendments to it must be approved by votes of both boards.
Duties, Responsibilities, and Authority
- MOUs
- Enrollment numbers
- Shared services
- Other major issues as deemed important as necessary
- Amendments to the charter need to go back to the two full boards.
- There will be an organizational meeting the first meeting of January when the calendar of meetings will be set for the year.
This charter was adopted by the Joint Schools Working Committee on June 3, 2021, and was approved by the school board on July 27, 2021, and the board of supervisors on September 7, 2021.
Members of the Committee
School Board
Maya Guy (Aquia District)
Susan Randall (George Washington District)
Maureen Siegmund, co-chair (Garrisonville District)
Board of Supervisors
Tinesha Allen (Griffis-Widewater District)
Meg Bohmke, co-chair (Falmouth District)
Darrell English (Hartwood District)
Alternate Members
Deuntay Diggs, Board of Supervisors (George Washington District)
Patricia Healy, School Board (Rock Hill District)