Policies & Regulations
- How to Use the Policy Manual
- The Difference Between Policies and Regulations
- Creating/Revising Policies
- Questions About the Policy Manual
How to Use the Policy Manual
In accordance with Stafford Schools Policy 1105, the policy manual is separated into nine major classifications:
1,000 District Organization, Philosophy, and Goals
2,000 Student Services
3,000 Teaching and Learning
4,000 Human Resources Services
5,000 Financial Management
6,000 Information System Services
7,000 Support Services
8,000 Facilities Services
9,000 Business, Governmental, and Community Relations
Subclassifications are based on logical sequence and numerical subcoding. An example for Classification 1,000 is as follows:
1,100 School Board
1,200 Superintendent of Schools
1,300 Legal Counsel and Legal Services
1,400 Division Organization
1,500 School Calendar
1,600 Triennial Census
1,700 Division Planning
1,800 Reserved
1,900 Reserved
The numerical subcodings are in lots of 100, and the same sequence follows within each major classification listed above. The title “RESERVED” is used for those subclassifications that currently contain no policies or regulations.
Persons without access to the internet may request a hard copy of any policy or regulation by contacting a school principal or site administrator, or by contacting the clerk of the school board at the Alvin York Bandy Administrative Complex at 31 Stafford Avenue, Stafford, Virginia, or by telephone at 540.658.6530. Citizens may request a hard copy of the complete manual upon special request and approved by the superintendent. A fee may be charged for this service.
Understanding the Symbols
"-R": This symbol indicates that the statement is a regulation rather than a policy.
"-E": This symbol indicates that the statement is an exhibit associated with the policy and/or regulation.
"Adopted": The date of adoption/approval appears immediately following each policy/regulation number and title. It is also shown at the end of each written policy and/or regulation.
"Legal Ref.": Is found at the end of each written policy and or regulation (information is intentionally left blank in the title information section). The legal reference is pertinent information to tell the reader where in state law certain statutes relate to a policy.
The Difference Between Policies and Regulations
Principles are adopted by a board to chart a course of action. A policy tells us what is wanted and perhaps also why and how much. It is also broad enough to indicate a line of action to be taken by the administration in meeting a number of day-after-day problems but narrow enough to give administration clear guidance.
Regulations provide detailed directions developed by Stafford Schools administration to put the board's policies into practice. A regulation will tell how, by whom, where, and when things are to be done.
Creating/Revising Policies
Proposals for new policies (or revisions to current ones) may be submitted by any person, including citizens, division employees, and school board members. Proposals should be submitted to the superintendent for referral to the Board as may be appropriate. The recommendation will appear twice before the school Board: once for information and discussion, and then a second time for a vote.
As long as Stafford Schools administration operates within the guidelines of the policies that have been adopted by the board, regulations may be issued by the superintendent without seeking board approval. Exceptions are made in cases where board action is required by law and/or its implementation may adversely affect the school division and the community.
The formal adoption of policies shall be recorded in the minutes of a school board meeting. Only those statements adopted and recorded in the minutes will be regarded as official policy of the board. Policies will be effective immediately upon adoption unless a specific effective date is included as a part of the motion to adopt.
Questions About the Policy Manual
The division counsel is responsible for maintaining the board’s policy files, providing for the proper coding of new policy statements, and causing to be published and kept current both printed and electronic copies of the school board’s policy manual.