Full-time Virtual Instruction
Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, students in grades 6-12 may request virtual learning at no cost through Stafford Schools and Virtual Virginia (VVA), a program of the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Homeschool/private school students that wish to take advantage of this FREE virtual learning option through Virtual Virginia will be required to enroll in their zoned Stafford school. To be considered “full-time,” a student must be enrolled in at least five one-credit virtual courses or the equivalent. Homeschooled students also may enroll part-time in up to two virtual courses at no cost. Stafford full-time virtual learning students will be eligible to participate in Virginia High School League activities including sports and club activities through their zoned school.
Students interested in virtual learning may enroll in Virtual Virginia courses based on a plan to meet state graduation requirements, as determined by a school counselor. College credit fees associated with dual enrollment courses offered through Virtual Virginia will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Virtual learning students in Virtual Virginia courses will receive instruction through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. Students will be required to attend live sessions five times per week per course and complete lessons and assignments independently. Full-time virtual learning students will be provided a Chromebook. All virtual learning students will be provided required instructional materials such as textbooks.
Intended to promote success in the virtual learning program, students and a parent/guardian will be required to sign an agreement that outlines expectations for Stafford Schools, Virtual Virginia, parents/guardians, and students.
Potential virtual learning students and parents/guardians are encouraged to fill out the Stafford Schools Virtual Learning Self Assessment to determine if virtual learning is an appropriate option to address the student’s learning needs.
Stafford Schools Virtual Learning Frequently Asked Questions