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Special Education

Special education programs, services, and supports are provided to address the unique needs of our students with disabilities aged 2-21, inclusive. Individualized services are provided in the child's least restrictive environment, as outlined in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).  A continuum of services for all students with disabilities is considered. While every program is not at each individual school, they are strategically located throughout the division.  Every effort is made to assign students to their base school, or a school as near the base school as possible.

Parents, students, teachers, and administrators participate in the evaluation, identification, and eligibility process for special education. Eligibility is determined through a formal assessment process by using ability tests, achievement tests, student work samples, parent feedback, student observation/interview, teacher observations, and other assessment tools as needed. If the student is found eligible, team members work together to develop an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) that is appropriate for each child.  Parents are highly encouraged to participate in the special education process while supporting independence for their children with special needs.

Inclusive practices are at the forefront of our local programs.  Students with mild to severe disabilities are offered services at all levels within general education classrooms, whenever possible.  We recognize that separate special education programs may also be needed.  In these cases, the team discusses which special ed program is most appropriate.

The majority of students with disabilities spend most of their day in general education classrooms, accessing the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) and division-wide curriculum. Accommodations and/or modifications to the curriculum are provided as needed to meet the established goals of the students’ IEP's. 

Related services such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, vision services, psychological services, interpreting services, and transportation are provided to students who require these additional supports to benefit from their special education program.

Every student receiving specialized instruction has his or her own uniquely designed program, the Individualized Education Program (IEP).  It is the IEP that best describes your child and the types of accommodations, modifications and specialized instruction needed for success.