Early Childhood Special Education
The Stafford County Public Schools Preschool Programs were created with the belief that all children can learn. Early Childhood Special Educators (ECSE) provide effective instruction by utilizing a developmentally appropriate curriculum and establishing a collaborative partnership between home and school.
Our preschool classrooms are language-enriched environments that help children develop the skills needed to participate and succeed in school. ECSE staff provides developmentally appropriate learning experiences for young children between the ages of 2 and 5 that have been identified as having a disability. Preschool programs and services are based on the age and individual needs of each child as determined by the IEP team. The Preschool Program offers a continuum of services to meet the needs of children found eligible for special education.
Our preschool classes are taught by certified teachers and are located at our North Star and Rising Star PreSchools. Our three-year old & four-year old Early Childhood Special Education classrooms provide children with and without disabilities an opportunity to learn along side each other in a developmentally appropriate inclusive environment. Children without disabilities are considered Peer Models. At Head Start, the ECSE collaborates with Head Start teachers who are providing instruction to children in their classroom with IEPs. Children not requiring a special education setting may receive resource services in the natural environment (home, private preschool, etc.). Children may also be found eligible for speech & language services only.