Prepayments are made online using School Cafe. Viewing and monitoring your child's account online is free of charge. A convenience fee of $2.25 is charged and paid directly to School Cafe when making online prepayments.
Cash and check prepayments may be made at school. Checks should be made out to Nutrition Services with the child's name and student identification number on the memo line. All money collected for prepayments will be put in the student's account to be used for breakfast, lunch and/or a la carte. Parents who wish to set limits or restrictions on their child's account should contact their school cafeteria manager to activate this service.
All balances at the close of the school year will remain in the child's account and be accessible to the student at the beginning of the following year. +The Virginia Code requires the surrender of funds that remain unused for a period of one year or longer (inactive students).
Students are encouraged to know their identification number and urged to not share this number with anyone.