A referral for Section 504 starts with a request for a Student Education Committee (SEC) meeting. Requests for assistance from the school SEC team may be initiated by any individual who has concerns about a specific child. Typical referring sources are parents, teachers or other school personnel such as principals, school counselors or specialists. Requests may be verbal or in writing.
The Components Meeting is the next step where the team reviews the student’s records, listens to parent input, and reviews any teacher notes to determine if the team proceeds to 504 eligibility. If the team determines an evaluation is necessary, they will also determine what components will be used to evaluate the student.
The Eligibility Team must convene within 65 business days of the referral to review and discuss the results of the evaluations. The team will complete the 504 Eligibility criteria and determine if the student’s disability substantially limits a major life activity.
If the student is found eligible for a 504 Plan, the team has 30 calendar days to meet again to develop a 504 plan.